Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms can affect you for years, even decades, after a traumatic event. It keeps the incident ever fresh in your mind, making it feel much more recent. At Vibrant Integrative Psychiatry in Gurnee, Illinois, Ilya M. Ray, RN, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, and the team treat PTSD using holistic care and evidence-based practices. Call Vibrant Integrative Psychiatry or book an appointment online today.
What is PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) appears after you experience or witness a traumatic event. At one time, the condition was called “shell shock” and “combat fatigue” and assumed to only affect combat veterans. Experts now know that it can affect anyone who has been through a traumatic event. These events include:
Combat remains a leading cause of PTSD, with studies putting the percentage of war veterans suffering from the condition at between 11% and 20%.
While some people experience PTSD after a traumatic event and others don’t, certain risk factors increase your likelihood of getting it. Your risk of developing PTSD might be higher than average due to a history of other mental illnesses, your personality, and how chemicals interact inside your brain.
What are the symptoms of PTSD?
PTSD symptoms vary greatly. Your practitioner at Vibrant Integrative Psychiatry evaluates you for PTSD symptoms within these four categories:
Intrusion symptoms include involuntary memories or flashbacks and nightmares. They can be so vivid you feel like you’re reliving the traumatic event.
Avoidance symptoms involve staying away from anything that might remind you of the incident, including people and places. You might try to avoid thinking about the event.
PTSD affects the way you think and feel about the world. You might develop distorted beliefs about yourself or others. You might also experience significant changes in your baseline moods, like trouble feeling happy, feelings of detachment, or guilt around the traumatic event.
Arousal and reactivity changes can be symptoms of PTSD. Examples include angry outbursts, impulsive or reckless behaviors, and being easily startled.
How is PTSD treated?
Vibrant Integrative Psychiatry offers holistic care for PTSD, emphasizing the wellness of your mind, body, and spirit. Your practitioner could recommend changes to your day-to-day routine. Changes can include adjusting your diet and taking daily supplements to improve your overall health and wellness as you go through therapy or counseling for PTSD.
Individual, group, or family therapy might help you manage your PTSD symptoms and learn coping mechanisms. Additionally, your practitioner can prescribe medication if it’s an appropriate addition to your care plan.
Call Vibrant Integrative Psychiatry to schedule an appointment for a PTSD evaluation and treatment consultation.